Board Members

The Fosters Mill Village Community Association (FMVCA) Board is responsible for:
  • Adopting a budget
  • Maintaining the common areas, which include, but are not limited to, the Village entrances, ponds and the pool area
  • Contracting for trash pick-up
  • Billing and collection of assessment fees used to fund the Association.  Each property owner is responsible for payment of these assessments, which are due on July 1st and are considered delinquent after July 31st.  Statements are mailed to property owners in mid-May.  Please note that failure to pay in a timely fashion may result in a lien placed on your property as provided for in the terms of Article IV, Section 1 in the Declaration of Covenants.
  • Enforcing deed restrictions and architectural guidelines.
  • Publishing the Fosters Mill newsletter
  • Encouraging participation in the Kingwood Civic Club's Holiday Decorating Contest

Board of Directors

President / KSA / KSA Parks
Maryanne Fortson
Vice President / Deed Restrictions
Herlinda Gonzalez
Diana Broussard
Treasurer / Financials
John Miller
Bob Black/Molly Sullivan
Public Safety
Rick Himel
Special ProjectsJim Harty
FMVCA Trails Association Representative
Pete Rupp/Greg Freeman

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